Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Virtual Meeting. FREE
Tricia Meyer - Founder + Managing Attorney Meyer Law offers complimentary Office Hours for small and growing businesses! This benefit gives businesses insight into what they need, and companies find it invaluable. The opportunity consists of meeting with four different companies for 30 minutes each, to learn more about their company, answer any questions they have from a legal standpoint and then we run through the six areas we practice (corporate, contracts, employment, IP, fundraising and privacy) and make sure they have what they need in place. After the meeting, we provide a roadmap and estimate outlining what the company needs, why they need it and how much it costs if they were to engage us for help. Businesses find this indispensable as many do not know where to start or what they need. Thank you and best of outcomes!Complimentary Office Hours with Meyer Law
Date and Time
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM MDT
Contact Information
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Please click on the calendar link HERE to sign up!
Complimentary Office Hours with Meyer...